Pitt has some of the foremost scholars on the economics of gender. Lise Vesterlund is a leading expert on gender differences in competition, negotiations, and the assignment of non-promotable tasks, whose book The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work appeared on several lists of the best business and management books of 2022. Rania Gihleb has studied the gender education gap and its effects on employment using models of marriage markets and family economics. Recent work by Claire Duquennois has explored how gendered norms about work affects mental health, and work by Yasir Khan looks at the consequences of correcting misperceptions about gender norms.
In addition, the economics department is proud to offer Econ 430: Women in the Labor Market, on gender and the labor market. The department is committed to increasing the representation of women in economics education, with undergraduate directors Jane Caldwell and Katherine Wolfe publishing research on how to do so.