MQE accepts applications for each fall term on a rolling basis. The application portal opens in September, and we accept applications from international students until June 1 and from domestic students until July 31. Applications for Fall 2025 will be opening soon.
The MQE accepts students from a variety of backgrounds with diverse career goals. Successful applicants will have demonstrated success in quantitative courses such as Calculus, Statistics, Microeconomics, and Linear Algebra, among others. Calculus I is a requirement to be considered for admission.
The MQE's target cohort size is 20 to 25 students each year, but we do not cap the number of admissions offers. Applications will be considered throughout the year.
Given the nature of the MQE program---an 8-month professional degree---students are generally responsible for tuition and fees themselves. However, a small number of merit-based scholarships are available for exceptionally qualified applicants. The deadline to submit a complete application be considered for these scholarship funds is March 15. Pitt undergraduates and alumni are eligible for $5,000 in Pitt2Pitt scholarship funds, which will be automatically applied to an MQE student's account before each term.
Please review the boxes below to learn more and to apply.

Learn more about the documents, scores, and pre-requisites required for admission to the MQE program.

Learn about the tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year and financial resources available to admitted students.

Create a GradCAS account and submit your application to the MQE program today!