PhD Program
The success of our PhD program is reflected in our career outcomes record. Historically, approximately 53 percent of our graduates find jobs in the tenure-stream academic market, 28 percent in research institutions, post-docs and non-tenure-stream appointments, 10 percent in government or international organization and 9 percent in industry. Our Ph.D. program is STEM designated.

Since 2000, our PhD graduates have joined the faculties of highly ranked universities such as the University of Minnesota, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Virginia, and the University of Toronto, as well as liberal art colleges such as Oberlin. Read more from Luca Rigotti, Director of Graduate Studies.

The graduate handbook is a valuable resource that addresses many frequently asked questions and concerns.

Our PhD program prepares students for job-market success. Review the full timeline for completion of PhD requirements as well as key milestones.

View a brief summary of the degree requirements and milestones toward the PhD in economics.

Read more about course offerings in our PhD program. Students complete two majors and one minor in six different fields within economics.

Students are admitted directly for full-time PhD study. Previous study of economics can be helpful, but is not essential. What is essential is that entering students are sufficiently well-prepared in mathematics

Funding opportunities for our graduate students include fellowships, teaching and research awards, teaching and research assistantships, and funding for travel to research conferences.

Learn more about the success of our PhD program in terms of career outcomes.