Since 2013, under the initiative of Professor Arie Beresteanu, our graduate office has been sponsoring the Pittsburgh Economics Medley (PEM) conference in the late spring. This one-day conference brings together faculty from across various fields within economics and from different academic and research units in the city of Pittsburgh, including the Tepper School of Business and the Heinz School of Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, RAND, and Pitt's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Faculty members present their current research and receive feedback from others outside their field. Graduate students from across all fields within economics present posters of their research and receive feedback during a two-hour period over lunch and. The PEM conference closes the academic year by bringing together our economics research community at large in the city.
Twelve students presented posters at the 2014 Pittsburgh Economics Medley conference, on May 19, 2014: Katie Jo Black, Kiyoung Jeon, Zeynep Kabukcuoglu, David Klinowski, Hakki Lee, Conor Lennon, Lulu Liu, Shawn McCoy, Ray Miller, Yingjun Su, Ricky Svoboda, and Hong Wu.